Health and Protective Services

Pemberton Health & Protective Services

Safety & Emergency


Pemberton and Area C are serviced two detachments of RCMP. Pemberton and Mt. Currie (tribal RCMP) have facilities that offer emergency services 24 hours a day.

Fire Departments:

Located in Pemberton, Birken and D’Arcy, both paid and volunteers make up the services offered in the area.

Pemberton Search & Rescue:

Approximately 30 volunteers, trained in First Aid, CPR, and avalanche rescue. Experienced in ground, embankment, and inland water searches.

  • Two members are trained search managers, one is a CARDA dog handler.
  • Resources include a van, high-angle gear, ropes, harnesses, helmets, life jackets, stretchers, radios, oxygen bottles, lights and base station.

Emergency Medical Services:

BC ambulance maintains a station in Pemberton and provides services throughout the village and Area C.

Pemberton Health Care Centre offers on-call services 24 hrs a day with local physicians, nursing staff and lab technicians. X-ray services are available on site with a CT scanner located 30 minutes away in Whistler. Rehab, massage and chiropractic services are available in the Pemberton community.

Emergency response plans and policy for natural or man-made events are executed by both levels of local government.

See Village of Pemberton and SLRD websites for more information.

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